150 31789 King Road, Poplar, Abbotsford

| $13 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8064851

Industrial for lease in Poplar, Abbotsford, Abbotsford, 150 31789 King Road, 224969920 | Realtylink.org

Industrial for lease

Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
11667 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$6.40 /year /sqft
Dock Loading, Mezzanine
Ceiling Height
26 ft
# of Docks

Promotional rate of $13.00 per sf, net offered on years 1 and 2 of a new lease. Proud to present the opportunity to lease an 11,667 sf corner warehouse unit at King Business Park in Abbotsford. This modern, light industrial development features ample glazing, excellent corporate presence, and was completed by Cedar Coast in 2021. Unit features include 26' clear ceiling height, two dock loading doors, one grade loading door. Source of measurements per Landlord.