12060 Vulcan Way, Bridgeport RI, Richmond

| $16.50 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8065332

Industrial for lease in Bridgeport RI, Richmond, Richmond, 12060 Vulcan Way, 224970401 | Realtylink.org

Industrial for lease

Year Built
Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
3147 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$9.92 /year /sqft
Building Type
Subject Property Width
30 ft
Subject Property Depth
105 ft
Washrooms Female/Male
Ceiling Height
20 ft

Good location and condition warehouse for sublease. Close to Bridgeport Road; easy access to Knight Bridge, Highway 99 & 91; nearby Home Depot, IKEA, Costco and other commercial retail stores. No mezzanine, No wasted area, one big washroom, one grade loading door. Zoning: IR1- Industrial Retail. It can be used for warehouse with retail store. Sublease agreement expiry Jul 2026 with option to renew for one term of 3 years.