201 22575 Lougheed Highway, East Central, Maple Ridge

| $21 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8065372

Office for lease in East Central, Maple Ridge, Maple Ridge, 201 22575 Lougheed Highway, 224970441 | Realtylink.org

Office for lease

Year Built
Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
4960 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$6 /year /sqft
Gross Property Tax
$1 /year
Building Type
Low Rise (2-4 storeys)

Opportunity to Sublease 4960 sqft of office space located on the upper floor of professional business building. Located within the downtown core of Maple Ridge. Call leasing agent for details! 2 year sublease (Landlord needs to approve of sub tenant)