20465 Douglas Crescent, Langley City, Langley

| $20 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8066443

Retail for lease in Langley City, Langley, Langley, 20465 Douglas Crescent, 224971512 | Realtylink.org

Retail for lease

Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
873 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$12.37 /year /sqft
Building Type
Commercial Mix
# of Parking Spaces

FOR LEASE, 873 sq.ft. ground level Commercial Retail space with store front on Douglas Crescent. Zoned C-1. Great Retail Exposure. Base rent at $20/sf/annum for 1st year, additional rent $12.37/sf/annum. Comes with 2 parking stall. Available on June 1, 2025.