50580 Trans Canada Highway, Fraser Canyon, Boston Bar / Lytton

| $14.15 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8066521

Business for lease in Fraser Canyon, Boston Bar / Lytton, Fraser Canyon, 50580 Trans Canada Highway, 224971590 | Realtylink.org

Business for lease

Year Built
Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
3560 sqft
Building Type
Commercial Mix
Building / Complex Name
Canyon Alpine Restaurant
Major Business Type
Food & Beverage
Minor Business Type
FB - Restaurant
Business Name "doing business as"
Canyon Alpine Restaurant
Confidentiality Agreement Required

This lease listing includes the restaurant and laundromat business assets (include all fixtures, equipment, machines, cookware, furniture in the restaurant and laundromat) along with the restaurant building and its surrounding parking area. It does not include the remaining portion of the 2.87-acre property, which features a triplex rental unit, a two-bedroom modular home, and three RV sites. The restaurant is fully licensed, air-conditioned, and spacious, equipped with a complete kitchen, walk-in freezer, and walk-in fridge. Additionally, the building has ample space to restore the original grocery store.