1515 Franklin Street, Hastings, Vancouver

| $18.50 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8066591

Industrial for lease in Hastings, Vancouver, Vancouver East, 1515 Franklin Street, 224971660 | Realtylink.org

Industrial for lease

Year Built
Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
11117 sqft
Lot Size
16,170 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$7.83 /year /sqft
Subject Property Width
115 ft
Subject Property Depth
140 ft
Ceiling Height
10 ft

Half of the building, namely 11,115 SF is vacant and has been recently updated for a new occupier, while the balance of the building is occupied by Western Marine until June 30th, 2026. The building is 2-levels connected with a freight elevator, features multiple grade level loading doors, and ample on-site secure parking at the rear.