A313 4899 Vanguard Road, East Cambie, Richmond

| $18 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8066631

Industrial for lease in East Cambie, Richmond, Richmond, A313 4899 Vanguard Road, 224971700 | Realtylink.org

Industrial for lease

Year Built
Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
2920 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$7.20 /year /sqft
Building Type
Commercial Mix, Warehouse
# of Parking Spaces
Dock Loading, Elevator Freight, Mezzanine, Visitor Parking
Ceiling Height
24 ft

Alliance on Vanguard, great location at the intersection of Shell and Alderbridge, hwy 91 & 99. Flexible IR1 zoning provide you a great variaty of retail/industrial use. Improvement include: Washroom, 600V convert to 110V with sub-panel, hot water tank installed. This unit provides 22' of ceiling height, 2204' of warehouse space and 716' of 2nd floor office space. The freight elevator and provide access to your loading need, and there is also stairs for general public access and ample of visitor parking spots. There are also other options in the same complex for lease/sale, please call listing agent for more details.