5570 204 Street, Langley City, Langley

| $35 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8066707

Retail for lease in Langley City, Langley, Langley, 5570 204 Street, 224971776 | Realtylink.org

Retail for lease

Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
827 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$12 /year /sqft
Building Type

Located at the corner of 204 Street and Fraser Highway. The property has direct frontage 204 Street and Fraser Highway and is within walking distance of Langley City Hall, City of Langley Library, Timms Community Centre, Langley Centre Transit Exchange and within steps of the future 203rd Street SkyTrain Station. Zoning permits a wide variety of retail, office uses. Subject property is 827 Sq.Ft. and faces 204 Street.