204 6039 196 Street, Cloverdale BC, Surrey

| $19.99 /year /sqft   MLS® Number  C8066864

Office for lease in Cloverdale BC, Surrey, Cloverdale, 204 6039 196 Street, 224971933 | Realtylink.org

Office for lease

Year Built
Total Space Avail. For Lease (Rent)
1520 sqft
Estimated Additional Rent
$7 /year /sqft
# of Parking Spaces

1,520sqft second floor space is available as of now. Make it your showroom or your office facility. This mixed industrial/retail use space is located in a great area of the Surrey/Langley border. The space and the flooring are inviting you to personalize it with your unique ideas and preferences. This space boasts a prime location with convenient proximity to the Highway 10, Fraser Highway, bus stops and future SkyTrain station, ensuring easy accessibility for clients and employees alike.