Agri-Business for sale
Dl4905 Day Road, Horsefly
Lot Size
13,939,200 sqft
Gross Property Tax
$213.87 /year
Subject Property Width
5280 ft
Subject Property Depth
2640 ft
Water Supply
See Realtor Remarks
320 ac. of prime organic farm land in the heart of the Cariboo. This gorgeous parcel is perimeter fenced (mostly barbed) & cross-fenced (electric) for rotational grazing & hay production. The combination of pastures & trees offer stunning views all around. Substantial merchantable timber of 40-50 years standing & two springs on the property. The land has achieved organic certification since 2004. The Seller's animals are all certified by AWA (Animal Welfare Approved) of AGreenerWorld. Looking for organic & natural focused Buyers to continue this stewardship. Located in Horsefly BC renowned for back country sports, spectacular natural scenery & an amazing community. Only 2km from town centre. R/A zoning permits two dwellings & a variety of non-residential uses. Most of the property is in the ALR. Large acreage of this size are hard to come about. Superb value for building, farming, or land-banking! Adjacent 434.9 acres also available for sale. *Price subject to applicable GST. Also on residential R2844640
MLS® Number C8057101