May 11, 2023

New exemptions to strata age restriction bylaws

  • The BC Government announced exemptions to discriminatory age and rental restrictions in stratas.
  • New exemptions, including future children, dependents, and spouses/partners, were itemized in amendments to Strata Property Regulations.

In April 2023, as part of a new housing plan, the BC Government announced it would end discriminatory age and rental restrictions in stratas. Age 55+ restrictions would be permitted with reasonable exemptions.

On May 1, 2023, these reasonable exemptions were itemized in amendments to the Strata Property Regulations.

Exemptions include:

  • future children;
  • dependents; and
  • spouses or partners of current residents.

New exemptions also permit adult children, or former dependents of current residents, to move home with their parents or former caregivers. 

Why exemptions were needed

On November 24, 2022, Bill 44 amended the Strata Property Act to end rental-restriction bylaws and limit strata age-restriction bylaws to 55+ to promote seniors’ housing.

As a result, hundreds of strata corporations moved towards adopting 55+ age-restriction bylaws.

While the act was amended to allow live-in caregivers and residents lawfully residing in the units to live in 55-and-over buildings, action was needed for residents’ future children, dependents, or spouses.
